Rules for page / subdomain submission:
- You MUST submit what you would like. (Page or Subdomain)
- Your site MUST be soy related
- You WILL not host any CSAM or Gore content
- You WILL submit a link or direct email the files of your website via email. (You will be granted a in-site editor afterwards)
- You MUST tell me what your site is about IN DETAIL in your email.
- You WILL provide an normal (non-temporary) email so I can email you back.
-You WILL also give a brief description of you and your intents for your site in the email.
We have a 3 strikes rule, 3 and your out.
On your site you will NOT:
- Host CSAM in any way(anything left up for more than 10 minutes will cause your site to be taken offline and scrubbed, and if you cannot get new jannies in 2 days, or if you yourself posted it, your site WILL be taken down, if not, you will still earn a strike regardless)
- Be primarily GORE focused. While if some gore is posted, you'll be fine, but if you make your website into a gore site, i will discuss it with you and may take it down.
- Doxxing / Leaking private info about your users (leaking IPS intentionally, sharing their emails meant to be private, ect) This will earn you 1 strike of 3.
- Actual terrorist threats being posted, and not taken down, will also cause a strike
- Sending creepy messages to ME. Do not act like a creep towards me directly, as I won't trust you if you do that. Will earn you a strike.